Normalize Audio on Kubuntu

2021 . Dec . 13 / LinuxNotes++ to self

Too high and too low

There are moments when the volume differences are so huge that is annoying, this creates the need to have a normalizer to take care of them.


Windows got something called Loudness Equalization that does a decent job and it can be easily enabled. But on Linux/Kubuntu we have to do a little more than checking a box.

  1. Install: apt-get install swh-plugins
  2. Create the file: ~/.config/pulse/
.include /etc/pulse/
load-module module-ladspa-sink  sink_name=ladspa_sink  plugin=dyson_compress_1403  label=dysonCompress  control=0,1,0.5,0.99
load-module module-ladspa-sink  sink_name=ladspa_normalized  master=ladspa_sink  plugin=fast_lookahead_limiter_1913  label=fastLookaheadLimiter  control=10,0,0.8
set-default-sink ladspa_normalized
  1. Execute: pulseaudio -k

Now the Audio Volume Settings will look like this:

Audio Volume Settings

If you have any doubt or question, or know how to improve this post, please feel free to write a comment.